Sunday 6 October 2013

BestFriend ever

assalamualaikum. #dia mai balik. dia mai balik. pdhal semlm bru bwat entry baru. kahkah
hari nie gua nak post psal sorang kawan gua yang gua dah anggap mcm abg kandung gua sendiri *hyungnim. :D

Nama beliau : Ahmad Assajri Bin Mat Noh.
Asal : Sungkai, Perak.

depan gua. belakang tue lah orgnye. hensem2 (Y) :D tapi dah bpunyaa. maaap cewek2 sekaliann. HAHA
gua rapat gila dgn dia nie sejak tahun satu lagi dkt usm. dia matured. dia caring. bgos orgnya. byk jugak pompuan ckp. eh jeri ( nama singkatan assajri ) nie sgt baek. bila aku rapat. mmg betoilah ap org kata. baek gilaa.hmm2. i feel so blessful to have him as one of my bestfriend :D

byk memori aku create dgn dia nie sejak aku dkt usm. 
1. seluaq aku koyak satu stadium dgq time maen pepsicola dgn dia.
2. air tin beterabur dlam bas rapid (xbwak moto lagi time nie. first year la katakan.) dgn dia jugak.
3. jatuh moto dkt balik pulau dgn dia jugak.
dalam kata laen. most of d time dkt usm nie. gua spent masa gua dgn dia. HAHA :D

1 secret : ill treasure you more even i have girlfriend one fine day. ill treasure you more than my most expensive belongings. :)
please don be worry about the lost things that have happen. i wont accept even you give me the new one. HAHA please be happy. don be sad. o ill be worried.
saya doakan awk selalu sihat2 sahaja ye :) goodluck in your life and hereafter. InsyaAllah kawan syurga :)

gambaq tambun ja ad dlm laptop. gmbaq yg laen ad dlm external. tue pon org pinjam. hmm2. HAHAHA

having a genuine and sincere friend is like having hard currency during an economic crisis. very valuable yet very rare :D

im glad friendship doesnt come with price tag. for if it does i'd never afford someone as great as you.

hold a true friend and dont let go. they are too few in a lifetime. 

hard times dont last forever.but true friendship do. :)

you are truly a wonderful part of my life.

even you treat me like an option. ill never leave you like a choice :)

Nt bila gua dah dpt external. gua upload byk2 gmbaq gua dgn dia nie. HAHA last sem dah. sem depan lm. hmm2. dutdap2 dah smpaii 4tahun. semoga awak bahagia dgn kehidupan awak skrg dan masa akan datang ye. xD baliklah cepat. semua org risau pasal hang. huuuu

Saturday 5 October 2013

A broken heart ?

Because the reason I live is you,
With my heart, I hope the remaining,
flickering memories will be sent to you

At the end of this road I walk on,
At this road that was allowed to me,
I, who used to love and love you more,
Remain here alone

My love has all burned up and
the only thing remaining
Are the exhausted scars from waiting
I cannot forget a person like you
Only tears fall

When my love has all washed away
Only the longing scars remain
Only the words, “good bye” remain
So I cannot forget you

Following the flower petals
that yield to the sky
When I meet you,
I can tell you now that I longed for you
I long for you so I couldn’t forget you

#post hanya suka2. its not something thats related. kehkeh xD